We offer highly competitive rates for all our services.
Dog Daycare Rates
$41.00 per day - 1 dog rate
$360.00 - 10 day pass
$680.00 - 20 day pass
For Clients With 2 Dogs
$65.00 per day - 2 dog rate
$585.00- 10 day pass
$1080.00 - 20 day pass
Boarding Rates - 24x7 caretaker overnight
$65.00 per night - single dog rate
$110.00 per night - 2 dog rate
Required Vaccinations
DHLPP (distemper) Rabies (no exceptions) IT-2 (kennel cough) Canine influenza virus (CIV)
We also recommend a yearly fecal check, year round heartworm protection, and Frontline or Advantix (especially in the spring/fall)
Please note: Passes are non-refundable. If you pick up your dog after store hours you will be charged for an overnight.
"This place is one big dog party! Many kennels keep your dog in a small pen by themselves most of the day and they go out for a few walks. Not this one. If it's nice out, the dogs are out. My dog has lots of energy but when he comes home from Paws With Inn he's exhausted."
189 High St
Ipswich, MA 01938